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Challow, East

The village of East Challow was a chapelry in Letcombe Regis. It is on the main roads from Ashbury and Faringdon to Wantage, and was on the Wilts and Berks Canal. The soil is mainly chalk, The majority of the land was permanent grass, with a very small amount of woodland.

Further reading
Wordie, R. (ed.), ‘Enclosure In Berkshire, 1485-1885’ (Reading, 2000) pp.100-102.

Acreage: 1353
Population 1801: 229
  1831: 303
  1861: 391


OS Map Grid Ref(s): 13, 14


Parliamentary Enclosure Maps & Awards

Challow, East (See Letcombe Regis)


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This page was printed from the BRO New Landscapes website on 10/23/2024.